Page 24 - 封麵
P. 24
Siemens helps enterprises to open the way of digital upgrading
and transformation of production lines
梁秀(xiù)璟 P/48 新鴻基聯合Fastems建高(gāo)端柔性產線
SuZhou New HongJi Precision Parts Co. Ltd built high-end
flexible production line with fastems 趙建航 P/50 精英人物
Elites & Talents 51
Feintool don’t worry epidemic and speed up the industrial layout Knut Zimmer P/52
領軍小負載機器人 發力後疫情市(shì)場
Tuo Hua: ROKAE wants to be light-weight robots experts and
we are optimistic about the market after the outbreak
呂(lǚ)曉峰 P/54
Forward Technology 57
EMAG develops overall production solution for truck differential
姚 丹 P/58
The method of machining multiple thread with CNC lathe
王永軍 P/60 變速箱殼體加工尺(chǐ)寸偏移原因與解決方案
Causes and solutions of machining dimension deviation of
gearbox housing
張 璐 P/63 保證夾具(jù)裝配精度的加工方法
Machining method to ensure the assembly accuracy of jig
呂軍濤 P/67 高精度絕對(duì)式編碼器的研發與應用
Development and application of high precision absolute encoder
王慶賀 於海洋 P/70
Use and maintenance of ceramic bearing
肖(xiāo)九梅 P/72