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本(běn)公(gōng)司堅持以人為本的管理,擁有一(yī)群技術精湛的業界精英,一支深諳市場體係的銷售隊(duì)伍;本著真誠(chéng)合作的態度,致力於建立一個重信譽(yù)、保質量的銷售及售後服務體係,以最快捷、最(zuì)完善的售前谘詢、售後服(fú)務回報客戶。 公司生產銷售的主要產品品種分為 CNC 係列排刀式車(chē)床、刀塔式車床、走心式車(chē)床、銑削式車床,它具有省空間、低成本、多樣化配置等特點,並能滿(mǎn)足不同形式產(chǎn)品的精密加工之需要。該產品廣泛應用於汽車、摩(mó)托車及其(qí)配件製造、電子工業、光(guāng)學(xué)儀(yí)器、鍾表業及特種電機等行業(yè)。   我公司擁有精(jīng)密的(de)機床設備,完善的質量(liàng)保證體係,及時的供貨周期,周到的售後服務,使我(wǒ)們成(chéng)為您選購高精(jīng)密機床的重要選擇(zé)之一!   客戶的需(xū)要是我(wǒ)們進(jìn)步和自我完善的動力,我們的目標是希望成為你們最優質的合作夥伴! The companies adhere to the people-oriented management, with a group of skilled industry elite, a capable of market system sales team; The attitude of the sincere cooperation, to establish a heavy credit, the quality of the sales and after-sales service system, the fastest, and the most perfect pre-sale consultation, after-sales service return customers. The main products of the company in the production and sales of varieties are divided into series CNC lathe, the knife knife row of tower lathe, go heart type lathe, milling type lathe, it has the province space, low cost, various configuration and other characteristics, and can satisfy the different forms of the products to the needs of the precision machining. The products are widely used in automobiles, motorcycle and its accessories manufacturing, and electronic industry, optical instrument, the clock and watch industry and special motor, etc. My company has precision machine tool equipment, perfect quality assurance system, timely delivery cycle, thoughtful after-sales service, so that we become your choose and buy high precision machine tools is one of important choice! The customer's need is our progress and self perfect power, our goal is to become your most the high grade partner!

公司名稱(chēng): 井岡山數控機床廠
電  話: 051986350109
傳  真: 051986350109
聯 係 人: 羅寧湖
手  機(jī): 13861025375
詳細地址: 江蘇省常州市武(wǔ)進區牛塘鎮
郵  編:
郵  箱: kemi2007@126.com
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