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您現在的位置:數控機床市場網> 機床采購項(xiàng)目> 振動電(diàn)解精密銑削五軸加工中心招標公告
2018-10-17  來源:導航網

招標編號(hào): 0
招標代理: 中化國際(jì)招標有限責任公司
業主(zhǔ)單位: 0
報名截止: 2018-11-07
所屬(shǔ)行業: 能源化工,儀器儀表




1. 招標產品的(de)名稱、數量、技術規格、資金來(lái)源:

振動電解精密銑削五軸加工中心  1套



*9.3.2 X軸行程≥500mm,其中X1≥250mm,X2≥250mm;

*9.3.3 Y軸行程≥160mm;

*9.3.4 Z軸行(háng)程≥400mm;

*9.3.5 B軸(zhóu)可(kě)自由連續回轉;

*9.3.6 C軸行程≥±90°;



2. 交貨的地點和時間:買方項目現場/ CIF天津新港價,合(hé)同生效後18個月內。

3. 招(zhāo)標文件售價:每包每套1000元人民幣或160美元,文件售後不退。(郵購須另加100元人(rén)民幣或(huò)20美元)。任何未在中化(huà)國際招標(biāo)有限(xiàn)責任公司領購招(zhāo)標文件的法人或其(qí)他組織均不得參加投標。

4. 購買招標文件時間:2018年10月16日至2018年10月23日止每天上午9:00~16:00(北京時間,節假日除外)。

5. 購買招標文件方式:登錄中(zhōng)化招標電子招投標平台(e.sinochemitc.com)通過網上支(zhī)付方(fāng)式購買招標文件。潛(qián)在投標人需先進行網上注冊(免費)。如遇技術問題,請撥(bō)打平台技術支持聯係電話:010-86391277。

6. 投標截止時間和開標時間:2018年11月7日09:30分(北京時(shí)間 )。

7. 投標文(wén)件遞交地點和開標地(dì)點(diǎn):北京市西(xī)城區複興門外大街A2號中化大廈6層第七會議室。

8. 招標人名稱:北(běi)京動(dòng)力機械研究所。


9. 代理機構名稱:中化國際招標有限責(zé)任公司

地    址:北京市(shì)西城區複興門外(wài)大(dà)街(jiē)A2號中化大廈20層

郵    編:100045

電    話:010-59369622

傳(chuán)    真:010-59369782

聯 係 人:楊陽

Bid No.: 0747-1840SITCM306

Date: 16/10/2018

SINOCHEM International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding.

1. name, quantity, specifications and sources of funds for the bidding:

Precision machining of five axis machining center by vibration electrolysis, 1 set

Technical specifications:

The maximum size of *9.3.1 Machinable workpiece is greater than or equal to 800mm.

The *9.3.2 X axis stroke is greater than 500mm, where X1 is more than 250mm, X2 is equal to 250mm.

The *9.3.3 Y axis stroke is greater than 160mm.

The *9.3.4 Z axis stroke is greater than 400mm.

*9.3.5 B axis can be rotates freely and continuously.

The stroke of *9.3.6 C is greater than or equal to 90 degrees.

.……Others Specified in Bidding Documents

Source of the funds: Government Fund

2. Delivery time and place: the Buyer’s project site/ CIF Tian Jing Xin Gang, within 18 months after the entry into force of the contract.

3. the price of bidding documents: RMB 1000 or USD $160 per package, and the documents will not be returned. (mail order must be 100 yuan or $20). Any legal person or other organization that has not purchased the bid invitation documents in Sinochem International Tendering co..

4. purchase of tender documents: from October 16, 2018 to the end of October 23, 2018 every morning 9:00~16:00 (Beijing time, except holidays).

5. purchase of tender documents: E. sinochemiemiemic. com, a platform for electronic bidding and tendering, purchases bidding documents through online payment. Potential bidders need to register online first (free). In case of technical problems, please dial the platform technical support telephones number: 010-86391277.

6. deadline for bid and time of bid opening:All Bids must be delivered to the following address before November 7, 2018 09:30 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is November 7, 2018 09:30 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time.

7. Address for bid submission and bid opening: NO.7Conference Room, 6th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing.

8. Name of Tenderee (or Purchaser):Beijing Dynamic Machinery Institute.

9. Name of Tendering Agent: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Address of Tendering Agent: 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P.R. China.


Tel: +86 10 59369622;Fax: +86 10 59369782;

Contact person: Yang, Yang

        如果您有機床行業、企業相關(guān)招標信息發布,或進行資訊合作(zuò),歡迎聯係本網編輯部, 郵箱:skjcsc@vip.sina.com