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BNG 防爆撓性連接管 【供應】

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  • 2013-07-22 12:05:17.0
  • 全國(guó)
  • 5
  • 18


BNG 防爆撓性連接管(ⅡB、ⅡC)BNG Explosion-Proof Flexible Connecting Pipe (ⅡB、ⅡC) 一、適用範圍 1. 爆炸(zhà)性氣體環境危險場所:1區、2區; 2. 可(kě)燃性氣體、蒸氣級別(bié):ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. 溫度組別:T1~T6; 4. 戶內、戶外。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division、2 division; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T6; 4. Indoor and outdoor. 二、型號含(hán)義 三、性能特點1. 適(shì)用在防爆電氣設(shè)備進出線連接(jiē)或鋼管布線彎(wān)曲 難度(dù)較(jiào)大的場所連接之(zhī)用; 2. 具有耐燃、耐油、耐腐蝕、耐老化撓性良好,結 構(gòu)牢固(gù)等優點; 3. 可(kě)根據用戶要求(qiú)特製。 1. Apply to lead-in/out connection of explosion-proof electic equipment or the connection of steelpipe wiring in the place where the steelpipe wiring is difficult to be bent; 2. Possessing the advantages of fire retardancy corrosion- proof, antiageing, flexibility and firm structure, etc; 3. Can be customized according to user's requirements. 四(sì)、技術參數型號 Model公稱管(guǎn)內徑(jìng) Nomial pipe's internal diameter(mm)螺(luó)紋(wén) Thread (in)長度 Length (mm)最小彎曲(qǔ)半徑 Min Bending radius(mm)防爆(bào)標誌 Explosion- proofing marker防護等級 Protection category BNG-15×700□G1/215G1/270080Exd ⅡIP54 BNG-20×700□G3/420G3/470080 BNG-25×1000□G125G11000145BNG-32×1000□G11/432G11/41000180BNG-40×1000□G11/240G11/21000210 BNG-50×1200□G250G21200270BNG-70×1400□G21/270G21/21400350
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