美國Cleveland Motion Controls電機
- 公司名稱:
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- 廣州歐冠機電設備有限公司
- 2013-12-28 16:26:31.0
- 美國
- 4100
- 麵議
- 12
廣州歐冠(guàn)機電設(shè)備有限公司(sī)銷售美國Cleveland Motion Controls電機,編碼器
Cleveland Motion Controls products
Motors and Motor Control
Brushed DC electric servo-motor 3500
Brushed DC electric servo-motor 2100
Brushed DC electric servo-motor 4100
Brushed DC electric servo-motor 2600
High torque AC brushless electric servo motor max. 27.5 Nm | MDM-5000
Stainless steel brushless AC electric servo-motor MDM
AC brushless electric servo-motor for the food industry MDM-F
Brushless AC electric servo-motor IP55
Low inertia DC brushless electric servo motor BNL 2300
AC electric frameless servo-motor MDM-5000
DC drive
Single-phase DC drive 115 - 230 VAC, 3 - 5 HP | Pacemaster 1 & 2
Single-phase DC drive 115 - 230 VAC, 3 - 5 HP | Pacemaster 4 & 5 Position Measurement
Hollow-shaft incremental rotary encoder HS15
Incremental rotary encoder SM15
Heavy duty incremental rotary encoder DT20
Incremental rotary encoder SM7
Incremental rotary encoder RS23
Incremental rotary encoder SM16
Incremental rotary encoder SM23 Force Measurement
Amplified digital load cell for web tension control
Amplified digital load cell for web tension control
Ultra ISC
Compact tension/compression load cell
Tension/compression load cell
Compact tension/compression load cell
Cleveland-Kidder? Analytical Instrumentation
Load cell tension meter
IT: Software