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- 上海軼舜機電設備有限公司
- 2013-03-05 15:27:35.0
- 意大利
- CEMB傳感器
- 200
- 47
上海軼舜機電設備有(yǒu)限公司低價銷售(shòu)意(yì)大利CEMB傳感器、CEMB模塊、CEMB變送器、CEMB信號轉換器。意大利CEMB自1946年成立以來 始終以研製和生產高水平的平衡設備為主要目標,在這一領域已經有超過五十年(nián)的曆史,代表了整個國際市場(chǎng)的最高水平,是(shì)世界上最(zuì)大的兩家工業平衡設備(bèi)製造商之一。
Ac c eleration sensor TA-18/S CEMB FUNCTIONING:The TA18S transducer picks up seismically the absolute vibrations of the machine by being fitted directly to the supports of the vibrating part; it supplies an output signal directly proportional to the vibration of the point to which it is fastened. Such signal should subsequently be processed by one of the measuring channel of a CEMB serial "T" or "N" processing unit.
videozoom FUNCTIONING:The TA18S transducer picks up seismically the absolute vibrations of the machine by being fitted directly to the supports of the vibrating part; it supplies an output signal directly proportional to the vibration of the point to which it is fastened. Such signal should subsequently be processed by one of the measuring channel of a CEMB serial "T" or "N" processing unit.
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