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  • 泰興市捷(jié)勝船舶設備有限公司
  • 2014-10-05 15:58:31.0
  • 全國
  • 10-2噸
  • 10000
  • 1


遊艇用絞盤-采用(yòng)電動機(液壓馬達)等帶動擺線針(zhēn)輪(lún)減速機調速,驅動不鏽(xiù)鋼(gāng)絞纜筒作正(反)轉。產品按GB/T4555-1995設計、製造(zào)。產品經過多國船級社檢驗,國內市場占有率達75%以上。性能穩定, The motor (motor) and drive the cycloid pin wheel reducer drive, the drive sheave tube is (anti). Products according to GB/T4555-1995 design, manufacturing. Products through the countries Veritas test, the domestic market share of more than 75%. Stable performance, 用途:產品安裝在艦船首、艉部主甲板上,在艦船起(qǐ)航時起錨或收纜,艦船停航拋錨、緊(jǐn)纜定位,為船舶係泊安全設備. Use: the product is installed in the first, the ship stern main deck, anchor or cable collecting in ship set sail, the ship broke down, suspended cable tightening positioning, as the ship mooring safety equipment 分類: Classification: 1、 按形式分為電動和液(yè)壓。 1, the form is divided into electric and hydraulic. 2、 按用途分為係纜(lǎn)絞盤和錨絞盤。 2, divided by use of mooring winch and anchor winch. 組成:采用亞光(guāng)不鏽鋼絞纜筒、船用不鏽鋼錨鏈輪、船用行星(xīng)減速機(jī)、進口(kǒu)船用帶刹(shā)車電機、主令電氣控製箱、主令控製器為IP56型及無石棉環保刹車帶(dài)等組成。 Composition: it is wear resistant marine anchor chain wheel, marine planetary reducer, import the marine band brake motor, main electric control box, a master controller for IP56 and non asbestos brake band composed of environmental protection. 主要技(jì)術參數(shù): Main technical parameters: 1、錨鏈直徑:12.5—66mm 1, the diameter of anchor chain: 12.5 - 66mm 2、工作負(fù)荷:5.5—123kN 2, work load: 5.5 - 123kN 3、絞車拉力:5.5—110kN 3, winch pull: 5.5 - 110kN 4、電機功率:3—45KW 4, motor power: 3 - 45KW 產品使用、安裝注意事項: Product use, installation notes: 1、產品使用前檢查油泵及減速機油位(wèi)! 1, the product before use, check the pump and gearbox oil level! 2、產品應空載運行2次各2分(fèn)鍾(zhōng)! 2, the product should be no-load operation for 2 times every 2 minutes!
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