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- 元裕機械有限公司
- 2012-08-16 08:50:34.0
- 山東高密
- 麵議
- 92
四軸半自動仿形木(mù)工銑床Four-Axis Semi-Automatic Woodworking Copy Milling Machine 本廠生(shēng)產的多排軸(四軸)木工全(quán)自動仿形車床,可同時生產(chǎn)四個一模一樣的產品(pǐn)(如:車花瓶兩分鍾車四個(gè)),隻需普工操作,生產(chǎn)快捷質量標準,隻要(yào)將(jiāng)材料裝機(jī)後機(jī)器自動完成車削工序,適應做花瓶,樓梯欄杆,桌(zhuō)椅腳,圓(yuán)木柄等異性木件加工製造。The milling machine can produce 4 identical products at the same time( such as 4 vases in 4 minutes), merely under an ordinary worker’s control. Just put the original material ready on the machine, and you will get standard finished products in a short time. If you want to produce vases, wooden staircase column, tables and chairs feet , circular wooden handle and some other kinds of abnormal shaped wood accessories, this machine will be your good choice.
Modle | ||
最大加(jiā)工長度 | Processing Length | 2000mm |
四(sì)軸最大回轉直徑 | Four-axis swing | 80mm |
工作(zuò)台最大(dà)給進 | Workbench feed | 2400mm/min |
總功率 | Total Power | 4.5KW |
主(zhǔ)軸轉速 | RMP | 0-600r/min |
刀具:高速鋼,合金鋼(gāng) | Tool: high speed steel | alloy |