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  • 元裕機械有限公司
  • 2012-09-17 08:59:34.0
  • 山(shān)東高密
  • 150s
  • 麵議
  • 96


YSMC150S單軸雙數控木工車床4 knives CNC Wood Lathe                                                                                                                                                                       The CNC Wood Lathe, Model YSMC150S, made by casting process, is a fully functional three-dimension processing wood lathe that can turn wood stock into a variety of cylindrical bumps, grooves, and hollows. With a CNC program, you can finish designs on computer and change any patterns as you like. Then, 4 knives work at the same time can improve efficiency, accuracy and smoothness. What’s more, with a processing diameter range between 10mm-380mm, this machine is definitely practical and economical.Beside, once the pattern-design is finished, even a young man without any woodworking experience can control 2-3 machines easily at the same time.Therefore, think about free patterns design, high efficiency (necessary for hurry orders) and no high-salary technician anymore, YSMC will be a wise choice. 加工(gōng)範圍:樓梯欄杆、高精度家具配件、木花瓶、木台(tái)燈(dēng)、木燭台、工具木(mù)柄等多種車木工藝品。

Processing Range: wooden staircase column, wooden vase, wooden desk lamp, wooden candleholder, wooden clothes rack, tool handle and etc.

ModleYCL- 150S
最大加(jiā)工長度Processing Length1500mm
單軸最大回轉直(zhí)徑(jìng)Single-axis swing360mm
總功率Total Power8KW
主軸轉速Spindle Rotating Speed0-6800r/min
Z軸最(zuì)大給(gěi)進Z axis feed5000r/min
X軸最大給進X axis feed3000r/min
刀具:白鋼;合金 Toolhigh speed steel and alloy
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