上海胤旭機電優價銷售ALICAT 流量計
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- 上海胤(yìn)旭機電設(shè)備有限(xiàn)公司
- 2012-06-27 14:44:39.0
- 美國
- 麵議
- 49
美國(guó)ALICAT ALICAT 代理 ALICAT 廠家 ALICAT 價格 ALICAT 經銷 ALICAT 型號 ALICAT 現貨ALICAT 流量計 上海胤旭機電設備有限公司優(yōu)價銷售ALICAT氣(qì)體質量流量計美國ALICAT ALICAT氣體體積流量 ALICAT氣體質量流(liú)量計利用兩個已(yǐ)研究透徹的(de)氣體物理(lǐ)屬性:壓力和粘性來測量流量(liàng)。通過層狀(zhuàng)流量單元的差壓測量(liàng)來計算流量,這種(zhǒng)測量方(fāng)式具有固有的線(xiàn)性。采用差壓、絕壓和溫度傳(chuán)感(gǎn)器來測量(liàng)並補(bǔ)償(cháng)氣體的壓力、溫度,測量標準狀態(如1個大氣壓@25℃)下氣體的體積流量。可測量4種參數:質量流量、體積流量、溫(wēn)度和絕壓,可選累計流量,並且可以通過(guò)動態(tài)顯示屏(píng)同時顯(xiǎn)示。可(kě)選電池使得該款產品方(fāng)便攜帶,常用於測試和校準工具。另外提(tí)供用戶定製滿足您特殊需求。
ALICAT氣體體積流量計采用差壓傳感器來測量當前狀態下的(de)體積流(liú)量。由於(yú)它沒有內置絕壓和溫度傳感器,價格會便宜一些,是相對於質量流量計的另一種(zhǒng)選擇。 ALICAT產品廣泛(fàn)應用於醫藥、工業、過程控製、實驗室、OEM、替換熱(rè)式質(zhì)量流量計、泄漏測試。 Alicat Scientifics mass flow devices are NIST traceable and are backed by an unsurpassed history of performance and reliability. We at Alicat have spent the last decade fulfilling our goal of helping customers build reliable, repeatable, and dependable systems incorporating our feature-rich, precision mass flow meters and mass flow controllers. Our devices have been instrumental in helping customers save time and money by reducing downtime and material loss and increasing measurement precision. Alicat Scientific has earned a solid reputation by providing accurate and dependable products and never wavering from a strict policy of superior customer support.美國(guó)ALICAT ALICAT 代理 ALICAT 廠家 ALICAT 價格 ALICAT 經(jīng)銷 ALICAT 型號 ALICAT 現貨
ALICAT氣體體積流量計采用差壓傳感器來測量當前狀態下的(de)體積流(liú)量。由於(yú)它沒有內置絕壓和溫度傳感器,價格會便宜一些,是相對於質量流量計的另一種(zhǒng)選擇。 ALICAT產品廣泛(fàn)應用於醫藥、工業、過程控製、實驗室、OEM、替換熱(rè)式質(zhì)量流量計、泄漏測試。 Alicat Scientifics mass flow devices are NIST traceable and are backed by an unsurpassed history of performance and reliability. We at Alicat have spent the last decade fulfilling our goal of helping customers build reliable, repeatable, and dependable systems incorporating our feature-rich, precision mass flow meters and mass flow controllers. Our devices have been instrumental in helping customers save time and money by reducing downtime and material loss and increasing measurement precision. Alicat Scientific has earned a solid reputation by providing accurate and dependable products and never wavering from a strict policy of superior customer support.美國(guó)ALICAT ALICAT 代理 ALICAT 廠家 ALICAT 價格 ALICAT 經(jīng)銷 ALICAT 型號 ALICAT 現貨