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- 無錫市寶宏機械廠
- 2013-08-05 09:27:29.0
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- 20
自動磷化、電鍍生產線、噴膠機廣泛應用於機械製造、汽 全(quán)車零(líng)部件、橡膠油封骨架。在塗裝前對金屬結構件進行(háng)除油、除鏽、清洗、磷化、電鍍處(chù)理。
Full automatic phosphating and plating lines are widely used for machine manufacturing, automotive components and rubber oil-seal skeleton. Before application, metal structures must be deoiled, derusted, cleaned, phosphated and plated.
Exquisite in appearance, pleasing to eye and brand new in design philosophy, the automatic phosphating line is developed according to the process characteristics of phosphating fluid manufacturers, such as German Henkel, Nihon Parkerizing and Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection, etc. The phosphating line is controlled by programming logic controller (PLC) and equipped with human machine interface (HMI) touch screen, which shows the real-time working parameters Enjoying high automation, it can indicate and control parameters on a dynamic basis. Meanwhile, the parameters can be altered and set up any time as required.
Furthermore, this equipment boasts a well-developed self diagnosis system, through which the information of any fault is shown on the screen, thus facilitating detection, correction and maintenance.